Fast and safe transport service

Specialized heavy vehicles

Delivery services and logistics management

Fast and safe transport service Specialized heavy vehicles Delivery services and logistics management

International transport delivery system

Truck Logistics Service

Company reviews

  • Alexei

    During our cooperation, your company has established itself as a reliable and responsible carrier and forwarder, always providing reliable information and promptly solving various problems related to the transportation of our goods.

  • Andrei

    During the entire period of cooperation, HANBING INTERNATIONAL has confirmed its high professional status, competence and activity in solving the tasks.

  • Dmitry

    We are satisfied with the work of HANBING INTERNATIONAL regarding the delivery of goods

  • Sergey

    During the period of our cooperation, your company carries out forwarding and cargo transportation according to our applications and shows a good organization of work




Reliable deliveries


Year of excellent work


Satisfied clients

Delivery methods

Water transport

Sea container transportation is an inexpensive, widespread, and in some cases the only option for delivering goods between different countries and continents.

Automobile transport

Road transportation is considered one of the most demanded and popular transport services. Convenience of transportation of goods of various sizes and volumes, delivery to the recipient's door.

Rail transport

The development of this direction is associated with an increase in the speed and convenience of cargo delivery both in key large cities and in remote industrial centers.